Rose Petals
Our Trans feminine support group is happening tomorrow evening at 7 pm ct. Make sure to click “going” to stay up to-date on info concerning the group! Source
Artist Request for Proposal (RFP)
The Chicago Therapy Collective (CTC) is seeking proposals from visual artists for a large mural that will honor the late board member and Black trans activist, Elise Malary. The mural will be located on the southern wall of the CTC non-profit building and will serve as a landmark to celebrate her life and all Black Trans Lives in Chicago.
100+ LGBTQ Black Women You Should Know: The Epic Black History Month Megapost | Autostraddle
Celebrating the first day of Black History Month with a reminder that Black LGBTQ+ History IS Black History! 100+ LGBTQ Black Women You Should Know: The Epic Black History Month […]
Using Life Metaphors in Counselling & Psychotherapy
I work a lot with metaphors and many of my clients are gay men and lesbians. The approach I use in counselling and psychotherapy is based on the principal that […]
Existential Psychotherapy, Interpretation and Gadamar’s Hermeneutic Circle
The Existential approach to psychotherapy has been a growing in popularity in Britain for almost thirty years. Despite this, very little is known by other therapeutic modalities about what the […]
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