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Movement Therapy A Raheim White Queerantine Chicago Therapy Collective

Queerantine Sessions

Movement Therapy Session Descriptions

Session one: “Self Love is the Best Love” – Learn how to “love up on you” in this self- massage workshop. By using your hands, tennis balls, visualization, and breathwork, you’ll aid your body in finding the space and relaxation it needs so that more of you can shine through. 

Session two: “The Meditative Body” – In this workshop, you’ll learn how to listen to your body and how it communicates with you. Through guided meditation, energy channeling, and deep listening, we’ll get more finely attuned to our expressive vehicles. We will also explore how intention and focus can be powerful devices of manifestation. 

Session three: “The Stretch Connection” – Yoga is the ancient practice of “yolking” the mind, body, and spirit. In this introduction to yoga workshop, we will learn pranayamas (breathing techniques), asanas (postures), and yogic philosophies to help stretch our “innerstandings”. 

Session four: “Ecstatic Joy” – Find your liberation body as you sweat, pop, and roll in this follow-the-leader style workshop. Follow Raheim as they guide you to mobilize your joints, shake your cells, and activate your chakras.

Movement Therapy

About Movement Therapy

In a society that glorifies intellect and information over embodiment, we often get caught in taking our bodies for granted. We complain about its pains, stiffness, how it looks, and compare it to others’ views. We have forgotten the body as a conduit for our unique experiences and traded in our sovereignty for governance under someone else’s ideals. My work aids others in becoming more authentically embodied so they move through time and space from a place of personal power, self-love, and authenticity. By using mindfulness techniques, yoga, positive affirmation, a sense of curiosity, and fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, we learn how to harness the strength of our uniqueness.


About A. Raheim

Creatrix, God/dess, Divine Embodiment, Mama A. Raheim White is an experience. Their passion for dance led them to earn their MFA from New York University Tisch School of the Arts and BFA from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, both in dance performance and choreography. As a healer, Raheim is a Reiki Master-Teacher, Akashic Record Reader, 200-hr Certified Yoga Instructor, and Social-Emotional Learning Facilitator. As the Founder and Creative Designer of RahCrystals, Mama Raheim handmakes crystal healing adornments designed with the individual in mind. Raheim’s intention is to help facilitate healing through movement, meditation, and mindfulness with love and joy.