Meet our Gallery Curator
Hereaclitus Here Vernon
Hereaclitus Here Vernon, is interested in what Shannon Bell refers to as fast feminism, and their trans-disciplinary gustemverks over the last 33 years, attempt and often fail, but still protean like, they move through it shapeshifting in serpentine motion. By mashing up sexual politics, identity politics and violent philosophy. They once asked how can we become feminist, queer, post pornographers, hyper-masculinized, as in the hypermasculinist work of Paul Virilio. Who theorizes that power, is about being first and fastest? This postulates that power is exercised through speed and acceleration which was gendered, polemic, exhausting and maxed out the adrenals, So after working against gender and power, those masks came down.
Here, now asks, what if we want to take it slow, though…. real slow? What happens when we slow down, and “be”, rather then “do”. So to counter that fierce force, and ideologies. Here uses a shamanic path and energy work to follow flow, calm down, meditate daily, and cultivate intimacy. Here, has developed a praxis, film, and is curating their lexicon of over 500 videos and performances. They are also assembling a book of paintings, entitled, “Birdbrains”, using their poetry, that intersect neuroscience, birds, and trauma. In tandem over 4 years, Here, has been filming, “Heroclitus the film”, a trans mythic tale of redemption using nature and the dark powerful feminine archetype, Lilith. Living out in the woods for a year to transition to a, Trans GNC individual, has proven to be the spiritual elixir, and the ultimate boon for the melancholia of the dark soul. If you see Hereaclitus Here, be sure to use the they/them pronouns. They gave themselves the name after the pre-socratic philosopher, Heraclitus, that said, “The only thing constant is change.” You may see them wearing yellow everyday in homage to the sun.
Here, has multiple degrees in their roster including:;KCAI, Yale School Of Art, Northwestern and recently they received a second Masters in Art Therapy from SAIC. Before transitioning Here, exhibited and performed, as Heather Marie Vernon, for years in Chicago, NYC and Kansas City, MO. Their videos have screened in Munich and Koln. Here, has received D-case grants for their multimedia installations, and in 2012, “New City”, named them as one of the top 5 artists “whose life is probably an artwork”. Here, has been an active collaborative force, starring and acting in many films with Chicago based filmmakers, Peter Lambert, Derek Bagely and Julia Zinn. Here, can also be seen in films by artists: Wendy Geller, Cecilia Doughtery and recently, Emily Esperanza. Here, has also danced and collaborated with local movement based artists: Darling Shear, Sara Zalek, and many others.
Here, is pioneering, a self designed artist residency program allowing them to travel as they apply for a Guggenheim fellowship and fiscal sponsorship. Inviting you to co-create in partnership there is a link for your patronage to galvanize their Trans-mythic,multi-